Why working collaboratively in a meeting will help your career prospects and teach you invaluable listening skills

I’ve recently completed jury service and what struck me most profoundly during this experience was how respectful, mature and thoughtful my fellow jurors were to one another during a very difficult trial.

The collaborative and respectful nature of the jury service experience highlighted several valuable lessons to me that can be applied to professional settings, especially in office meetings.

Here are a few leadership coaching tips on how working collaboratively in a meeting can benefit your career prospects and teach you invaluable listening skills:

Sculpture of an ear
  • In a jury setting, individuals with diverse backgrounds and perspectives come together to reach a verdict. Similarly, in a workplace, effective collaboration fosters teamwork and helps in building consensus on important matters. This ability to work harmoniously with others is highly valued in professional settings and will allow you to demonstrate empathy.

  • The attentive and non-critical listening skills which I observed among jurors is a key skill in effective communication. In office meetings, active listening ensures that everyone's ideas are heard and considered. This not only helps in understanding different viewpoints but also fosters an inclusive and respectful environment.

  • During deliberations jurors openly agreeing or disagreeing with opinions without resorting to bullying or coercion is a crucial aspect of healthy collaboration. In the workplace, fostering an environment where individuals can express differing opinions respectfully encourages a diversity of thought, leading to better decision-making and problem-solving.

  • Just as jurors respect each other's perspectives, it's important in the workplace to give credit where it's due. Acknowledging and appreciating the contributions of colleagues, rather than stealing ideas, promotes trust and a positive work culture.

  • Encouraging a culture of open communication and respect in meetings empowers colleagues to express their thoughts and ideas freely. This can lead to increased creativity, innovation, and a sense of ownership among team members, ultimately contributing to a more positive work environment.

  • The ability to navigate disagreements without resorting to disrespectful behaviour or dismissing others' opinions is a valuable life skill. What I have learnt from the jury service experience, is that by applying effective conflict resolution strategies in the workplace one can prevent animosity and can contribute to a more harmonious work environment.

  • Employers value individuals who can collaborate effectively, communicate respectfully, and contribute positively to team dynamics. Demonstrating these skills in meetings can enhance your professional reputation and contribute to your career growth.


In summary, the collaborative and respectful conduct which I observed in a jury setting serves as a valuable model for fostering a positive and productive atmosphere in office meetings. By applying these principles in the workplace, you will not only contribute to the success of your team but also enhance your own career prospects by demonstrating strong interpersonal and communication skills.

A group using good listening skills

Hoping to see others do well


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