Hoping to see others do well

I am delighted to share an article about being an entrepreneur and my coaching business London & Melrose Ltd. which was featured in the local community residents' magazine 'In the Square'

“I want to empower people to look after themselves.”
— Daniella Goldman

When local resident Daniella Goldman emailed me to express her enjoyment of this magazine, I was curious about her expertise as an executive life coach with her own boutique consultancy - London & Melrose Ltd - which specializes in business coaching and corporate communications. Daniella has had an impressive amount of experience, not least helping to change South African broadcasting legislation to be more representative of indigenous culture and to establish homegrown TV and local community radio when she was an anti-apartheid activist.

We met at Teta’s to drink Lebanese lemonade, and Daniella defined her style of life coaching using a metaphor, “It’s as if my client and I are both down a mine and they are holding a drill, mining for gold. My job is to hold the lamp so that the coachee can decide where to mine. With my guidance, the coachee has more chance to find solutions for their life - their gold nuggets.” In an initial in-person or zoom meeting, Daniella will ascertain whether a client’s goal(s) are what she terms SMART – specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time significant.

“Many of my clients are local,” says Daniella, “I love it that I might bump into someone, and they’ll say - I got that job… I started that new business… I raised the money already... that presentation or exhibition went well.” Many whom Daniella coaches begin their ‘mining’ fed up with their current jobs, unconfident after a career break, or are post-burnout. With infectious enthusiasm, Daniella says, “I want to empower people to look after themselves.”

Written by Nicola Manasseh
In The Square Winter 2023/24


Find out how I can help you to set specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time significant goals here


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